Thursday, May 28, 2009

Che Det

Recently I had a very wonderful moment in exchanging posted comments with Mr. Jo one of Chedet blogger's in Perdagangan Matawang post. Both of us were at each other's throats, I have used my arrogance attitude to convey my massage explicitly. While Mr. Jo on the other hand is trying to play his own way being an ignorant  and innocent person. But I'm sure, he has used up all his weapon to prove his point, but unfortunately he still failed to convince me due to lack of relevance info's, incorrect and misleading points.  

I'm sure, anyone with a high commonsense, sufficient knowledge's and how deep our knowledge as well as our openness would able to judge the argument wisely. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Zionism & Jews

There was wide misconception on Jews particularly by most of Muslim community. I'm not intended to defend or by far to protect Jews. The reason why I say this, it is of course Jews and Zionism were two different thing. Jews is referring to people who born from Jews parent and embracing Judaism as their religion. While Zionism was a political view by most of Jews in which secularism as their principle in order to establish Zionist State of Israel.

Zionism movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is to return Jews to mount Zion or Land of Israel. The name Zionism came from Hill Zion on which the temple of Jerusalem was situated. The Jews in the ancient time were banished from the land of Israel because they had failed to fulfill their obligation to the God. Every Jews acknowledge this in his prayer, they accepted the penalty of exile and were expressed their sworn by God and would not accelerate their redemption on their own, not to rebel against nation under whose rule they were found. To the contrary, Jews is commanded to pray for peace and well being of government of which he is the subject. Jews as a whole will continue to pray that the God will send hid Messenger who will lead all the Jews who scattered around the world back to their holy land of Israel and finally will built the temple.   

Zionist movement which was formed at the latter part of the last century endow the Jews with nationalistic character. It sought to deprive them of their historically religious character and offered in substitution of faith and adherence to the Torah, and believe in their ultimate redemption by the coming of messiah, a nationalistic ideology and establishing through political media, a Jewish national homeland.

The Jewish immigrant started to increased and eventually exceeding the Orthodox Jewish settlers since The Balfour Declaration, which recognised a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. Since then the Arab inhabitant started to exhibit it open hostility to their Jewish neighbour.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hari Guru

Aku mempunyai 2 orang kakak yang bernama Mimi Shahrizad dan Norida Sabarina yang berkejaya sebagai guru. Mungkin mereka tidak mengetahui bahawa aku amat memandang tinggi kerjaya sebagai guru selain dari kerjaya sebagai pemimpin dan anggota keselamatan. Guru merupakan pendidik anak bangsa, jatuh bangun anak bangsa dan negara terletak ditangan guru, kalau hasilnya kurang baik maka guru juga boleh dipertanggungjawabkan, selain dari itu faktor - faktor lain juga harus diambil kira. Aku masih ingat lagi ketika di alam persekolahan dimana arwah bapa pernah manasihati agar mencium tangan guru ketika bersalaman. Arwah bapa pernah berkata bahawa beliau berharap anaknya dapat melanjutkan pelajaran kemenara gading untuk mendapatkan ilmu sebagai matlamat utama, sijil atau ijazah hanyalah susulan atau indikasi tahap pencapaian kita dalam pelajaran, selain itu ianya amat berguna sebagai "tools" penting ketika dialam perkerjaan.

Ketika ini aku dapati masyarakat seperti tidak memandang tinggi kerjaya guru, malah terdapat beberapa isu yang digembar - gemburkan oleh media kita mengenai salah laku guru terhadap anak murid. Guru dipandang amat serong sekali sejak itu, malah sesetengah daripada masyarakat menganggap kerjaya guru merupakan kerjaya yang mempunyai banyak masa terluang dan kurang menarik. Aku berpendapat sebaliknya, malah aku sendiri melihat kakak ku melaksanakan dengan penuh dedikasi dan bertanggungjawab sehinggakan sering kali membawa pulang kerja sekolahnya kerumah untuk disiapkan. Bagi sesetengah orang, kerjaya guru hanyalah mendidik, mendidik, mendidik............ itulah saja kerjanya, tiada apa yang boleh dibanggakan. Percayalah, kalau anak murid itu menjadi penjenayah gurulah yang akan dipersalahkan dahulu, bukannya masyarakat setempat itu atau ibu bapanya. Tetapi kalau anak murid itu berjaya dialam persekolahan atau dialam perkerjaan, maka gurulah golongan yang terakhir sekali akan dipuji.

Aku tidak nafikan yang aku agak nakal ketika dialam persekolahan dahulu, bermacam - macam denda dan hukuman telah aku lalui, sedikit sebanyak telah mengajarku tentang erti kehidupan, mengapa kita harus mempunyai disiplin dalam hidup? Apakah kesannya terhadap diri sendiri dan masyarakat secara umumnya akibat dari kesalahan kita? Inilah roda - roda kehidupan yang harus kita lalui, disiplin dan undang - undang sekolah adalah satu contoh pengajaran yang amat baik terhadap murid. Maka setelah mereka pergi kealam masyarakat dan dewasa mereka akan lebih berdisiplin dan bertanggungjawab terhadap diri sendiri dan masyarakat. Maka terhasilah satu kelompok masyarakat yang berdisiplin dan terkehadapan dalam segala - segi.

Inilah hasil yang dilahirkan oleh guru dimana kebanyakan masyarakat tidak nampak. Guru haruslah menjadi pendidik yang jujur terhadap anak bangsanya, guru haruslah ikhlas dalam mendidik anak bangsanya, guru haruslah mempunyai sikap bertanggungjawab ketika mendidik anak bangsanya, guru haruslah tekun dalam mendidik anak bangsanya dan gurulah tempat melentur buluh untuk anak bangsanya.

Akhir sekali, ingin aku ucapkan selamat hari guru kepada semua guru - guru di negaraku yang tercinta ini. Sekian.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kedah UMNO New Appoinment

The recent news on appointment of Mukhriz Mahathir as Kedah UMNO treasurer, Dato' Jamil Khir as Kedah UMNO information chief and Dato' Ir Nawawi as Kedah UMNO secretary sound pleasing to me. Hopefully with new faces and new introduction may win Kedah state back from PAS by next general election.

Mukhriz and Dato' Jamil surely have strong support from the Kedah UMNO grass roots. Mukhriz was for sure have strong support from his farther, who is a backbone of Kedah UMNO and having strong influenced among Kedahan. One of the reasons which has caused the defeat of Kedah UMNO during Mahdzir Khalid in last general election is totally ignoring Tun Dr. M efforts in bringing up Melayu community in Kedah. What a shame it is, anyway luckily Najib has learn from this lesson by responding in appointing right persons to get this state back to the hand of UMNO, Insyaallah.

Kedah is always closed to my heart, in fact I was born and grown up there and a lot of my family still there including my mom. I'm sure Tun Dr. M have the same feeling with me, he has shown that during his time as PM. Now the ball is in their court whether they want to score the goal or not.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pink Floyd and 70s Rock Bands

I grown up being influenced particularly in music by my elder brother, his name Doli Dolkis b. Ahmad. During my early days I had listen to Sweet Charity, Search, Wings, Deep Purple and etc. Consequently, it was indirectly has shape my view towards music in particular. Deep Purple for instance has been around since late 60s, while Pink Floyd started in playing their own music during mid 60s, the original band members are actually architectural students of London Polytechnic, they originally came from Cambridge. During mid to late 60s, most of British musicians has by far were influenced by Black American blues musicians. By 70s they have introduced a new wave of music which having a basic root from blues called rock. 

Early Pink Floyd line up comprising of Syd Barret, Roger Waters, Richard Wright and Nick Mason. The name Pink Floyd was invented by Syd Barret, this name were derived from 2 Blues musicians which Syd Barret admired namely Pink Anderson and Floyd Counsil. Syd has set a Pink Floyd music standard which we can hear until today. Pink Floyd in early days having moderate success in British psychedelic rock scene. Pink Floyd became famous among popular club notably UFO and etc. After Syd left the band due to physiological factor, David Gilmore joint the band just to replaced him. Since then Roger Waters started to play important role being main source of idea, thus most of Pink Floyd songs was invented by Roger Waters during 70s. This period was considered the most creative period of Pink Floyd which we can hear it in Dark Side Of The Moon (considered the most creative album of all time and highly successful album which stayed in Billboard top chart for 14 years - none others musician could do that until now), Wish You Were Here, Animal and The Wall. This period can be known as golden era of rock music. The well elaborated live concert, colourful ligthing, creative cover art album and sonic sound recording has put them as the most creative band in the world.

What make Pink Floyd special is liaise to it band members notably Roger Waters and David Gilmore who playing a key role in determine Pink Floyd sound even though there's many cases that both of them indulged in creative argument in setting up Pink Floyd songs which eventually had bursted by during 80s. Since then, David Gilmore has taken a role as band leader and consequently brought a new direction to Pink Floyd songs. Even though, during this period their lyric was not as creative as during 70s, but generally their musical arrangement and song became more melodic than those during Roger Waters.

The true blend of cooperation among all of band members is during Dark Side of The Moon and the late 60s. While Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, The Who, Queen, Genesis and etc has brought another direction so called heavy metal. These bands has shape most of 80s rock bands namely Metallica, Gun & Roses, Iron Maiden, Whitesnake and many more. If we look back to the root of music that we listen nowadays, whether it rock or hip hop or R&B or anything which called modern music all are derived from it root called Blues.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hari Ibu

Sempena hari ibu, ingin aku merakam penghargaan kepada ibu yang tersayang Salmah Bt. Ahmad yang berada di kampung, Kota Kuala Muda, Kedah. Aku dilahirkan didalam sebuah keluarga yang sederhana taraf kehidupannya. Aku dilahir ketika keadaan ekonomi keluarga yang berada dalam keadaan yang sukar sekali, tetapi berkat dengan kesabaran dan usaha seorang ibu menghadapi perit jerih kehidupan untuk mencari sesuap nasi bagi menampung seisi keluarga ditambah lagi keadaan arwah ayah yang tidak berkemampuan amat menginsafkan.

Alhamdulillah, atas pengajaran tersebut sebenarnya ianya telah membuat aku lebih insaf dan bersyukur ketika diwaktu senang. Ketika diwaktu susah dahulu setiap anggota keluargaku memainkan peranan untuk turut sama membanting tulang membantu keluarga. Inilah pengajaran yang telah dipupuk oleh keluarga aku dan terutama sekali ibu yang tersayang. 

Pada ketika ini, ibu yang sudah uzur amat mengharap pengorbanan daripada seorang anak pula. Inilah masanya untuk aku membalas pengorbanan ibuku. 

Ketegasan dan kelembutan dari seorang ibu sentiasa kena pada waktunya, sedikit sebanyak mengajar kita tentang erti kehidupan dan amat berguna bila kita berada ditempatnya kelak.

Ibu kaulah tempat aku berlindung, kaulah tempat aku mengadu dan kaulah segala - galanya bagi aku. Aku pohon kepada Mu ya Allah, semoga Engkau cucurilah rahmat kepada ibu ku dan kaum ibu secara umumnya.    


The recent news from BFM radio with regard to the ISA on recent Perak assembly issue has given some ambiguity on it report. That report said that ISA could be imposed on certain Perak opposition politician despite PM have already given an assurance that the ISA will be reviewed. 

Word review doesn't mean that the government will demolish this ISA or not, instead review mean that the government will reevaluate or reconsider it previous decision whether to proceed or rectify or scrap the ISA. Clearly this report seems deliberately trying to give an impression that ISA review just a political ploy or just a rhetoric by new PM to gain popularity.

This thing should stop otherwise people impression will remains cynical or sceptical toward government. 

Friday, May 8, 2009

Real Madrid

There's a rumours saying that Real Madrid will reshuffle the whole team next season including replacing Juande Ramos with a new coach, Jose Maurinho was tipped to be a coach next season. It is undeniably that Jose Maurinho is a good coach, his records says that. But the question is, do Juande Ramos is wasn't a good coach? His records with Sevilla says that except with Spurs. Probably English Premier League could not suit to him, I think so. But his record so far with Real Madrid so far is pretty encouraging, Real managed to collect 52 points out of 54 points available, won 17games out of 18 games.  This is absolutely such a great achievement, not many former Real coach's achieve this achievement.

Even if compared his records with Pep Guardiola (current Barcelona coach) in terms of point scoring, his records is better than Pep Guardiola. Real Madrid should look into this record before making any decision to replace him. For my point of view, Real should give him a chance for another one more season to lead Real Madrid. It is unfair for him since he was taken over from Benr Schuster when Real having 12 points deficit from Barcelona.

His ability to narrow the gap to just 4 points from the top leader (Barcelona) is absolutely fantastic, only the inability to up the pace during big games i.e. during against Barcelona and Liverpool seems a bit distraction to him. But I'm truly believe that he aware about this scenario which need to rectify by next season if he remained as Real Madrid coach.  

Chelsea vs Barcelona

At last Chelsea failed at home the hand of Barcelona after draw 1 - 1. Barcelona qualified to champion league final to face MU another English club and also defending champion.

I'm not an English soccer fan, so I'm so delighted when heard Barcelona managed to beat Chelsea at semi final and subsequently qualified to final to face another English soccer club. Hopefully, they will succeeded in defeating MU and lift the crown for the third times.

To me personally, Barcelona truly deserved to be crown as champion since this club have played a beautiful game  and always entertaining except their most recent game against Chelsea which in my opinion Chelsea is more deserved to win in terms of statistic and tempo of the game. Clearly, Barcelona were outpace tactically by Chelsea, fortunately due to weakneses by the referee and plus with luck they managed to beat Chelsea on away goal difference.

Hopefully Barcelona will not do the same thing when against MU. We will see it latter in the final.